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C.S Hawley Chemical Company

DBA. Halfmoon Fire Company

The C.S Hawley Chemical Company (DBA. Halfmoon Fire Company) is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization which serves the citizens of the Towns of Halfmoon and Waterford, Saratoga County, New York. The Halfmoon Fire Company is an independent organization that falls under the auspice of the Halfmoon-Waterford Fire District No. 1. Members from the community dedicate their time for training, emergency response, fundraising, fire safety education and community details.

Members are professionally trained by the Halfmoon-Waterford Fire District No. 1 Training Division and the NYS Office of Fire Prevention and Control. The Company is comprised of Firefighters, Emergency Medical Technicians, Paramedics and Rescue Technicians.

The Halfmoon Fire Company and its members maintain a commitment to public safety education and outreach to the community to create a safer environment.